Believing you are a good person and actually being one are two completely different things. Life’s challenges sometimes bring out our ugly side, and as humans we react accordingly.
However, it is important that we continue to work on ourselves to become better people, to show more love and kindness to other humans, and to follow good with all men irrespective of disappointing occurrences.
This is not to say you should allow yourself to be taken advantage of, as it is common in the nature of humans to exploit one another. You should however know when to say “No” at some stage in some peculiar circumstances.
Religion, culture, race, skin color and other factors do not determine who is good, as goodness is a thing of the heart, and in your acts, as well as disposition to other people, your goodness to them is made evident.
Lastly, no matter what happens in life, be good to people, as goodness elicits goodness in the society, and more so, it is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
Prince Akínrẹ̀mí Jagaban.
MHR, Ìbàdàn North Federal Constituency.