Humanity will continue to live in appreciation of Information Communication Technology (ICI) as Fourth Revolution.That demarcate us from from,Slavery, Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions respectively. Reason been that,it is one of the great wonders that happened to Mankind. Bringing so much demostrated changes with value additions to life. Fundamentally, ICT has gone beyond just information and telecommunication to varieties of innovation in various aspects has demand by human needs. Chiefly, significant breakthrough in telemedicine,creative engineering,drone aviation and virtual education are attributed to ICT. Not to forget, It role in aiding economy…
Category: Featured
10 IVM Car Tips and Maintenance
Cars are now necessities for human beings. Cars do play important roles in our lives day by day, hence the usage of cars has largely increased. However, owning a car is one thing, driving it is another thing, maintaining it is a different thing altogether. Most car owners believe that car maintenance should be left for mechanics hence the minutest tips they should know eludes them. One can drive a car for more than 5 years and give it good maintenance with a look that convinces people that the car…
Poland stands with Ukraine- the Spirit of Polish solidarity reborn
Ukraine In Crisis This February Europe witnessed an unprecedented and unprovoked military attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine. In the wake of the unjustified invasion, Poland, who is Ukraine’s next door neighbor, immediately extended a helping hand to a friendly nation in need. Since February 24, Poland opened its borders to over 2 million people fleeing Ukraine from the Russian aggression. Although most refugees are obviously Ukrainian, there are also thousands of third country nationals who found shelter in Poland. Polish authorities let in everyone irrespective of nationality,…
Early Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is most often associated with having a breast lump. However, your symptoms may vary depending on your specific type of breast cancer. While it’s true that many breast cancer patients have a lump, not all of them will. So it’s important to know the other signs and symptoms. In general, the body produces certain warning signs. The most common is the breast lump, which may be located anywhere along your chest wall to under your armpit. You may have nipple bleeding or discharge, as well as related…
Cucumber Health Benefits: 7 Reasons You Should Eat Cucumbers Daily
Cucumbers have a mild, refreshing taste and a high water content. They can help relieve dehydration and are pleasant to eat in hot weather. People eat cucumber as a savoury food, but it is a fruit. It also features in some beauty products. The cucumber is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Other members of the family include squash and different kinds of melon, including bitter melon. Cucumbers provide various nutrients but are low in calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium. People in India have grown cucumbers Trusted Source for food…
Is It Really Good To Eat Eggs Every Day?
When it comes to foods with confusing health messages, eggs may take the cake: Despite being a long-time breakfast and baking staple, health experts warned for years against eating them—especially the yolks—on a super-regular basis, for fears that doing so could raise cholesterol and contribute to heart disease. In recent years, however, doctors and nutritionists have softened their stance on the incredible edible, and many have touted eggs’ abundance of important vitamins, minerals, and protein. And now, a new study appears to support the notion that eggs really aren’t…
Alhaji Ibrahim Idris @73, Tribute To A Legendary Juggernaut. By ABUBAKAR YUSUF.
Alhaji Ibrahim Idris CON was the former Kogi Governor who ruled uniquely for nine consecutive years , between 2003-2012, a record not broken in the anals and records of Nigeria’s political history at sub national level, on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party PDP. Aside pioneering the nine years rule in Nigeria’s democracy, he also laid and initiated a solid foundation for a thriving democratic culture, with his removal of an incumbent administration that had the paraphernalia of office at his peck and call in 2003, and became the…
Now, nowhere is safe (1), by Hassan Gimba
First, they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a…
How To Overcome Fear And Anxiety
Do you remember your first day of school? How about starting a new job? Or the feeling you get before trying something you never have done before? Chances are, it’s a mixed bag, with feelings of fear and anxiety combined with the excitement you get with the prospect of a new experience. Anxiety and even some amount of fear can be a completely natural response to novel experiences. They’re the mind’s reaction to something it has never encountered before. When they become paralyzing, however, is when they’ve become a…
Fast Remedy For Diabetes and Weak Erection
MATERIALS: *Leaves of Candlestick plant *Four litres of fresh Palm wine PREPARATION: *Rinse leaves of candlestick plant in clean water. *Squeeze some quantities of leaves in fresh palm wine untill the liquor turns light green. *Please do not add water. *Then refrigerate. DOSAGE: Half a glass cup twice a day. Morning and night for a week. NOTE: *Take a week’s break *Resume for another week after the break. *It may cause stooling in some persons but do not stop, continue, it’s…