Two years ago, in the serene city of Minna, Niger State, I embarked on a remarkable journey with my third wife, Hajiya Rabi Zaujat Yunus, fondly known as Onono. As we celebrate this significant milestone, I am filled with immense gratitude and joy, reflecting on the shared love, laughter, and life lessons that have shaped our union.
Our marriage, grounded on a solid foundation, has weathered various phases—good, bad, and challenging—yet, it has continually blossomed, bringing us closer together and fostering maturity in our relationship. Hajiya Rabi, you are more than a wife; you are my confidant, partner in progress, and my better half. Your unwavering love, care, and support have been a cornerstone of our marriage.
Navigating the dynamics of a polygamous marriage can be intricate, yet, with your unconditional love and selflessness, you have set a shining example of what it means to nurture a harmonious and fulfilling relationship. Our love continues to thrive, a testament to the strength of our bond and mutual respect.
As we commemorate this anniversary, I pray that Allah continues to bless our union with peace, happiness, and the fruits of marriage. May He envelop our relationship in Muadah wa Rahma (Love and Mercy), guiding us toward everlasting togetherness and seeking Paradise.
To the Senior Bachelors of Nigeria, I extend a message of hope: the wait for the right partner is a journey worth undertaking. Trust in Allah’s timing, and, In Shaa Allah, you will find an incredible partner, just as I did.
Thank you, Hajiya Rabi, for being an understanding wife and a steadfast partner in our journey. I cherish and love you beyond what words can express. Here’s to many more years of love and togetherness.
*Ustaz Yunus Salahudeen writes from Abuja.