Happy Home Marriage Consult in conjunction with Sisters of Jannah today 3rd September,2022 held a marriage seminar today in Suleja , Niger state.
The Seminar with the theme; “HOW TO MAKE YOURSELF IRRESISTIBLE TO YOUR SPOUSE”was well attended by various Islamic organizations both within and outside the state.

At the Occasion, An Abuja based Family Counselor who is also the Director of Baynakum Family Counseling Center Abuja ,Ustaz Abdulfattah Adeyemi spoke on the E(s) of Marriage.While a marriage counselor,Sister Mutiat Nikkyyinkus talked to participants on a topic titled “How to Spice up Your Marriage”.
Other speaker at the event include the founder of Happy Home Marriage Consult , Adebayo Abdullateef who talked on the “Missing Values in Marriage”.

Ustaz Abdulfattah Adeyemi was honoured with the ICON OF HAPPY MARRIAGE Award by the Happy Home Marriage Consult for his wonderful efforts in strengthen marriage institution through Baynakum Family Counseling Center, Abuja.
Happy Home Marriage Consult is a counseling and marriage consult company based in Abuja FCT.
For enquiry and counseling, contact: 07068445284