Happy Home Marriage Consult visits Jam’iyya Matan Arewa Orphanage home ……. donates items to Orphans

Happy Home Marriage Consult led by its Founder,Adebayo Abdullateef paid a visit to Jam’iyya Matan Arewa Orphanage home to donate items to the orphans.

The items were received from Happy Home Marriage Consult by the President of Jam’iyya Matan Arewa, Hajia Rabi Musa Saulawa.


Receiving the items ,Hajia Rabi Musa Saulawa expressed her deepest appreciation to Founder and management of Happy Home Marriage Consult,she said the orphanage home is the oldest in the Northern States, which was established about 58 years ago.


She said the orphanage relied on donations from philanthropists and organisations as no support was coming from the government.


Asked if there was any way the government could combat the issue of child abandonment in the society, she said that the government had too much already at hand. She therefore urged the village head, community leaders, parents, councillors, and religious leader to sensitize members of their community on functional parenting and proper discipline of children.


“Only through this way can we reduce the issue of child abandonment”she added.


She further thanked HAPPY HOME Team and said the donated items would go a long way in touching the lives of the orphans.



The founder of Happy Home Marriage Talk, and leader of the team,Adebayo Abdullateef, took time to play with the children of the orphanange home and interacted with the caregivers.

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