The National Chairman of Labour Party Dr Mike Omotosho has expressed his appreciation and commendations to the Nigeria security forces and the entire Nigeria towards the success of the rescue of his mother from the kidnappers ‘ Den. He said “Let me on behalf of the entire Omotosho clan use this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone who in one way or another stood with us during the almost 120 hour ordeal.
We also appreciate the Nigerian security forces and the media for the effective and timely aid. We appreciate all your calls and prayers and pray that none of you ever have to experience such unpleasantness.
May the Lord uproot this evil scourge in our society.
My mom is well and was not harmed in any way, for that we are eternally grateful.”
“The entire episode however reiterate my personal belief in an inclusive society where all our minds are focused on the same vision of greatness. Where all our hands are on deck to move the country forward and protect her interests.”
Omotosho said the time has come for Nigerians to seriously commence the moral education of youths who have incidentally become instrument for societal ills. “We must first change their experience and gainfully engage them.It is indeed not time to cast aspersions or play the blame game for where we have found ourselves as a nation.”
“Our current national reality is totally antithetical to what we had back in the days when each of us was our brothers’ keepers regardless of religious or political affiliations and ethnicity.”He added
He said all Nigerian must engage with redefine that reality of togetherness and give ourselves a different experience so Nigeria can be better as a Nation.
“It is time for us to be collectively accountable for the security, peace and progress of Nigeria.
It is time to sheath our swords of personal interest, greed and ethnicity, with the understanding that in war, no one comes out unscathed. It is time for my fellow Nigerians to be passionate about rebuilding our ruins.”
Omotosho said that the miraculous return of his mother has renewed his hope for a united Nigeria. He therefore called on Nigerians to join hands to bring back the Nigeria,that provides Equal Opportunities, Peace and Social Justice.