Niger police arrests female suspect dressed in Police camouflage uniform

On May 10,2024 at about 2330hrs, Police patrol team attached to Maitumbi Division,Niger state Police Command acted on credible information, arrested one female suspect, named Paulina Ayuba of Anqwan-Kadara, Maitumbi who was found dressed in Police camouflage with a knife.


She was also found in possession of suspected Indian hemp and some hard drugs. During interrogation, she claimed to be a vigilante member of Suleja group, and that the uniform was given to her to dry clean by a yet to be identified person, while she made away with it.


She will soon be transferred to SCID Minna soon for further investigation and prosecution


Also On May 8,2024 at about 1000hrs, Police operatives attached to A Division Bida with community members sighted and intercepted a Toyota Corolla vehicle with Reg. No. LRG 757 AA at Area-4 Bida, with two persons, namely;


-Aliyu Zaki 36yrs

-Umar Mohammed 20yrs, both of Masaga and Kusodogbo areas of Bida respectively.


The suspects were found suspicious in the area with the said vehicle, and when questioned, Aliyu zoomed off the vehicle, while Umar also took to his heels. The suspects were pursued and arrested as the Police team was alerted.


During interrogation, the suspects confessed that they were in the area to steal goats and two goats were stolen, before they were intercepted in the community.


The suspects are under investigation at A Div Bida and they will be charged to court for prosecution immediately after the investigation.


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