The attention of the Naval Headquarters has been drawn to a fraudulent online advertisement/sales of admission forms for the Nigerian Navy College of Health Sciences and Technology Offa, Kwara State to unsuspecting members of the public. The fake advertisement fixed the cost of obtaining admission forms at the rate of Fifteen Thousand Naira (N15,000.00) while the school fees is stipulated as One Hundred and Eighty Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Naira (N186,850.00). The criminals further directed all payments for the forms and school fees to be lodged into a First bank of Nigeria Account Number 3162014359 bearing a pseudo account name; Lieutenant Inusa Endurance and with phone number 09134510613. Also, the phony advertisement contains the contacts of a self-proclaimed Public Relations Officer’s phone contact; 09134483230 & 09134510613 and the scheduled date for interview/test as fixed by the miscreants is to hold from 4 – 15 September 2023.
Nigerian Navy debunks Online Advert on Sales of Admission Forms For Nigerian Navy College Of Health Sciences And Technology Offa

Pertinently, Nigerian Navy College of Health Sciences (NNCHS) Offa, Kwara State is a professional naval institution exclusively for Nigerian Navy (NN) medical personnel and not for civilians hence the College has no basis to advertise sales of admission forms to members of the public. The names and phone numbers as mentioned above are all fraudulent, meant to deceive individuals and have nothing to do with the NN or the NNCHS, Offa. Accordingly, members of the public especially prospective individuals are enjoined to always verify from and other credible sources before committing their hard earned resources in such fraudulent venture.
Attached therein are copies of the fake advertisement publication, admission forms and receipt issued to an unsuspecting victim.
Director of Information