Peace in Unexpected Places

A remarkable transformation in the Niger Delta. Bundu Ama, a waterfront community once notorious for criminal activity, has found peace through dialogue and collaboration.


The Challenge


For many years, the Niger Delta has faced multi-dimensional issues such as environmental degradation, poverty, political instability, unemployment, exclusion, intercommunal clashes, militarization, insecurity, and economic instability. These challenges pushed the inhabitants of the region to seek alternative means of survival, leading to involvement in various forms of criminality, including cultism, armed robbery, piracy, and oil bunkering. These issues fostered an environment where crime thrived. Bundu Ama, a waterfront community in Rivers State, like many communities, became known for its criminal activity.


The Spark of Change:


At Search for Common Ground, your generous support makes our work possible. Because of you, we partnered with Bundu Ama to initiate dialogue among community leaders. This initial meeting sparked crucial discussions about enhancing security.


A Community-Driven Approach:


Elder Sample George Dasika, a community leader, shared during a community town hall meeting last month that there has been a significant reduction in criminal activities and improved security since their first contact with Search for Common Ground.

Dasika recounted how crime and insecurity once made life difficult in Bundu Ama. The turning point came with the initial meeting organized by the local Search for Common Ground team, sparking essential discussions among community leaders on enhancing security.


“After the inaugural meeting with Search, the community leaders engaged in serious discussions on maintaining law and order. Since then, the crime rate in Bundu Ama has reduced drastically. We also sent a town crier to remind people, including vigilantes, to be watchful and conscious of our security,” Dasika noted.


While celebrating the significant crime reduction, Dasika acknowledged other prevailing challenges, such as erratic electricity supply. He urged the community to find solutions to improve electricity, further enhancing security.


The strategy involved adopting lessons from Search’s Common Ground Approach training. “We started by engaging the youth in meaningful dialogues. We included them in discussions about improving security and combating crime in the community. This approach gave the youth a sense of responsibility and ownership, leading to a collective effort in enhancing community security,” Dasika explained.


Grassroots Communication:


Community leaders also mobilized local vigilantes and utilized town criers to spread awareness about the dangers of crime and the importance of vigilance. This grassroots communication strategy proved highly effective.


A Model for Peace:


The results have been extraordinary. Crime rates in Bundu Ama have significantly decreased thanks to collaborative efforts and community engagement. Bundu Ama serves as a powerful example of how peace can be built through dialogue and a commitment to a better future.


Sending you peace,

Search for Common Ground


P.S. Your continued support empowers Search for Common Ground to facilitate peacebuilding initiatives around the world. Donate today to help us continue this vital work.



Source: Search for Common Ground

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