A review of “DIGITAL ECONOMY AND THE PROSPECT OF FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA: A Festschrift for Dipo Fisho” by Omoniyi Ibietan, PhD, fnipr, arpa

Introduction The emerging possibilities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR), as central organizing principles of contemporary society, have been astonishing in their revolutionary bearings. I told some 150 people as the official reviewer of the above cited book during its public presentation at noon on Saturday, February 10, 2024, at Borno Hall of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja. As a contrarian to absolute technological determinism theories, I asserted that it is intrinsic and implicit that the driving force of modern innovation is not just the technology but the interface of…

BOOK REVIEW: Cyber Politics-Social Media, Social Demography and Voting Behaviour in Nigeria

Author: Dr. Omoniyi P. Ibietan Publisher: Premium Times Books Year: 2023 Pages: 460 Reviewer: Azu Ishiekwene Date: July 25, 2023, Abuja, Nigeria My job today is to review the book, and not the man. But since the man made the book, I would, to slightly paraphrase Oscar Wilde, overcome by yielding to the temptation of reviewing the man. In case you didn’t know the meaning of the “P” as it appears in the middle of the author’s name on the cover of the book for review, “P” is for “Paul”,…


Even though some school of taught opined that reading culture is on the declining level, I have strong contrary opinion to that notion. Because it is in the contemporary that many young people are now into book writing especially in our mother tongues unlike before when reverse was the case, imaging the level of reading across even the Social Media and increasingly extent people are now addicted to learning indigenous language, Nupe inclusive. People are now reading, writing and publishing beyond the breadth of our forefathers. The 24 pages book…