UBEC; Driving Nigeria To Digital Era. BY ABUBAKAR YUSUF

The Universal Basic Education Commission UBEC is already navigating through the 21st century, a blessing in disguise for the commission after the COVID-19 pandemic with the establishment of a multi billion Digital Resource Centre (DRC), commissioned in May , 29, 2024 to mark the one year anniversary of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu under the Renewed Hope Agenda to promote smart Education in Nigeria.


The proactive decisions of the handlers of Basic Education under the leadership of Dr Hamid Bobboyi as the Executive Secretary , Universal Basic Education Commission UBEC had doused the quantum of tsunami that would have befell the quest for quality Basic Education in the country for technological advancement and equality.


Against all odds, both artificial and natural phenomenon, the rate of the scourge of Out of School Children OOSC had alarmingly gone beyond human expectations of 10M, inspite of the concrete and concerted efforts been made over the years by the commission and its stakeholders occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, that led to subsequent lockdowns targeted with dire consequences at Basic Education .


Since Basic Education is the foundation of other levels of Education, the level of awareness and control expected of other levels was not available, as the level was inundated with both kindergarten and adolescents who are growing up, therefore , the choice of government to disengage the pupils to avoid harmattan spread of the COVID-19 was imminent.


Aside COVID-19 pandemic that threw some of the students out of school (OOS) permanently, while others lost various programs within the term , year, the growing need for computer literacy and technology driven society at the tender age became sacrosanct , in line with the decade of action for SDGs Goals 4, (2020-2030), meant for the provisions of quality Education to developing countries.


In an attempt to forestall unforseen circumstances, just like we have officially confirmed the prevalent of “Cholera” in 30 states out of the 36 states including the FCT, the proactiveness on the part of UBEC became justifiable with the establishment of not only smart schools(centres) in the six geopolitical zones along with 36 states of the federation and FCT, but a training centre that had already trained handlers at the state level.


The state of the art Digital Resource Centre (DRC) with the establishment of ” “Smart Schools ” to promote early technology driven learning process from basic levels, was a clear indication of government preparedness even before COVID-19, and artificial occurrences to bring to par provisions of Basic Education between not only the public and private schools, but seamless learning process and procedures across all Basic Education sector in the country.


With the invention of “Smart Schools” that will promote smart Education across the country with over 10,000 already trained to commence orientation, teaching and learning, no doubt the quest by government to bequeath technological driven learning process and forestall all other unforseen circumstances have been overcome.


It will now become a thing of the past , when public schools are closed down owing to both natural and artificial occurrences, for instance the current “Cholera” scourge bedeviling some states of the country, gradually spreading to other parts of the country, will not preclude public schools pupils at Basic level from learning, just like their counterparts in private schools through the introduction of the new “Smart Schools” to achieve “Smart Education “.


Before now, such national and natural disaster are targeted at public institutions and schools, particularly at Basic Education level , but with the foresight and proactiveness on the part of UBEC in Nigeria , the effects of such occurrences will be minimal and insignificant compared to what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic when some pupils did not return to continue with Basic Education learning.


With the new Digital Resource Centre (DRC), coordinating the activities of “smart schools ” and provision of “Smart Education ” became easier in the present dispensation and age.


The new vision in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu will be of dual advantage for basic learners who are positioned to inculcate both Basic Education and technology driven exposures in line with the template of promotion of automated and online activities by the present administration at tender age.


For the handler’s of UBEC, another milestone has been achieved to continue to deplete the figure out of school children OOSC, increase enrollment at the Basic Education level to promote the global target of inclusive quality Education and opportunities in line with SDGs Goal 4.



“YUSUF can be reached on [email protected].

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