Windstorm::Senate asks FG to provide succour to Laya Town in Jigawa State.

By James Isaac


Senate has resolved to ask the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management as well as National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to provide succour to the people of Laya town in Gwaram Local Government Area of Jigawa State.


This is sequel to “A Motion on the Urgent Need to Provide Palliative Support to Laya Town” moved by the Senator representing Jigawa South West in the Red Chamber ; Senator Mustapha Khabeeb on Thursday.


In the motion he drew the attention of the Senate to the devastating windstorm that struck the Laya Community on the 16th May, 2024.


He said that the windstorm which was accompanied by a heavy rainfall caused widespread destruction to lives, injuries to people: houses, farmlands, and schools in the community were totally razed.


The resultant effect of the windstorm according to him,is the displacement of people and families from their ancestral homes, animals, farmlands, as well as destruction of essential infrastructure for economic prosperity.


He expressed misgivings that due to the peculiar nature of the region,government agencies charged with the responsibility of giving ealrly warning in order to avert such disaster failed to act in order to mitigate the extent of the damage.


The Senate accordingly resolved to urge the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to send relief materials especially building materials to enable the people of Laya Town to rebuild their homes and alleviate their pain in view of the impending raining season.


Senate mandated the Senate Committees on Environment and Compliance to ensure compliance and report back within four weeks.


Both prayers were subsequently adopted by the Senate.

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