A Champion does not prove himself… By Haruspice

A champion does not prove himself, those who want to do so, do. Anthony Joshua didn’t fail, he stepped aside for a new champion. Only a fool thinks life is always on the bed. Today, you win, tomorrow you are defeated, such is the rotating template of life.
Those who want the world are the ones who groan when they fail, forgetting that, before them, there were others. Failure itself is a triumph, for you can’t even fail when you don’t try, you can only fail against a champion – as it will be written that you fought and fail with a winner and not against a failure.
When you fall, you are not a failure, it is when you remain on the spot you fell that you can be considered a failure. Usyk is celebrating his win against the world and not against AJ – for who Usyk just got his dream, AJ had his many years before now. Life, therefore, is a revolving template of sort, only the patient conquers it.
Congratulations Anthony Joshua, you made someone wins his first title same way others made you champion of the world. Head up, shoulder high the African pride. Proudly musing

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