Being real on social media entails presenting an authentic and honest representation of oneself rather than an idealized or edited version of oneself. It entails being open about one’s emotions, thoughts, experiences, and perspectives rather than presenting a curated or filtered image in order to gain approval or validation from others.

Here are some pointers for being authentic on social media:
Be truthful: Express your true feelings and thoughts, even if they are unpopular or widely accepted.
Avoid filters and editing: When sharing photos and videos, use as few filters and editing tools as possible to present an authentic image of yourself, some ladies may not like this☺️☺️☺️
Share your difficulties: It’s okay to admit when you’re having a hard time or struggling with something. This can benefit others who are going through similar situations.
Accept flaws: Don’t feel obligated to present a perfect image of yourself. Accept your flaws and imperfections because they are what distinguishes you.
Respect others: It’s important to be authentic, but it’s also important to respect others and avoid saying anything that could be hurtful or offensive.
Remember that being authentic on social media does not imply disclosing every detail of your life or oversharing. It’s about striking a balance between authenticity and boundaries.
* Ayuba Love Keziah (LK Amope) writes in from Kaduna

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