DIASPORA INVESTMENT : Dabiri-Erewa charges African Diaspora to invest in Africa .

Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, Chairman/CEO, Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, (NiDCOM), has said partnership between Africans, home and in the Diaspora is key pathway to a formidable Continental development and advancement.


Dabiri-Erewa stated this while receiving a delegation from US-Africa Chamber of Commerce in her Office in Abuja. Dabiri-Erewa believes that Africa can be better through intentional investments by Africans in the Diaspora.


She cited the Asian example, that Africa is rich in both human and natural resources that will push the continent to greater heights.


The NiDCOM Boss told the delegation that the Commission was ready to render its support and create the needed ecosystem for exponential investment in their motherland.


She seized the opportunity, to call on other Africans in the Diaspora to identify and invest in the continent.


Leader of the delegation, Sir Sam Joe Madu, Gatekeeper of the US-Africa Chamber of Commerce, informed that the group is willing to collaborate with the Commission moving from transactional economy to real time investment in sectors such as agriculture, ethical mining, refinery, and infrastructure, through linkages between local construction companies and vetted US Companies.


Madu, who is also Founder, Global United Voice for Empowerment stated that providing scholarships to youths and interested persons in ICT and Cybersecurity, as well as brain power utilization thus bringing value to the table with collateral benefits.


In addition, he said the group plan to create local call centres, backed with alternative power supply, to get real-time assistance, across Africa.


Mr. Madu appreciated the Chairman for all her efforts in Diaspora engagement for Africa and Nigeria.


Also, Mr. Everard Davis, an American entrepreneur expressed his excitement coming to Nigeria, motherland with a reconnection spirit, added that, minning and agric-business for Africa has a lot of potentials to reach the level of its counterparts in Asia, Europe and Northern America, through strategic partnership among Africans and Nigeria in particular.


Prof. Jerushia McDonald-Hylton, a media practitioner and women advocate in the US, commended Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa for being an influential woman for Diaspora engagement.


McDonald-Hylton extended a hand of collaboration, to the NiDCOM Boss, on a project geared to spotlight excelling African women in the Diaspora.


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