Application Form of Learn Nupe Language with ILLEC is now available.
The Application form both Online and Classroom Study is free.
(Registration is 10,000. C/9months – Online/5m)

The Nupe Language Courses in Minna and Online are ways to learn your mother tongue with ease either on your bedroom or at physical learning ground in Kowa Schools Minna.
Our selection in the Teaching of Nupe Language Courses are excellent ideas as well as ensuring that each student has an enjoyable learning experience of Nupe Language.
Our Nupe Language courses are run or taugh by our experienced trainers who will have you speaking, writing and reading Nupe Language fluently without any mixed up. We do not condone the use of any Language order than Nupe Language and a Proficient English for more or further understanding.
ILLEC offers comprehensive Nupe Clasess in Minna and a WhatsApp platform aimed at developing the students’ ability to understand, speak, read and write in Nupe Language.
Nupe Language Courses are offered for beginners and advanced level students. Teachers are qualified and experienced Nupe speakers, and each lesson will be customised to suit your individual needs, enabling you to progress much more quickly than in the traditional classroom environment.
We focust more on the development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities, lessons will follow a diverse range of topics from family, culture, leisure, and work. Grammatical bases will be well covered enough to allow students to converse freely about the past, present and future, without getting too tensed.
Our Nupe Language Courses are suitable for secondary school students preparing for exams; university or college students, NYSC members who need extra help with their language studies or business people across the world. Whether for business or for pleasure, we provide our students with focused, productive and highly enjoyable programmes at our Nupe Language Schools.
1. Basic Class for beginners,
2. Proficiency Class for Nupe readers,
3. Diploma Class for a Masters Degree or PhD holder who can speak, read and write Nupe.
For further information call; 07031649587.
Adamu Idris Manarakis niw,
Nupe Language Professor Honourary,
28th March, 2023.