Data Analytics a tool for decisions making in Business

Customer data analytics help businesses or organisations get information about customer demographics, purchase history, website behaviour, product choice, and more, every business needs to learn more about their customers and how they prefer services or products and also understand customers’ buying pattern


Customer data analytics or business data analysis goes beyond just making smart marketing decisions. They can also have a huge impact on a company’s profit base.


When a business is able to understand how to satisfy customer interests and concerns, the company will be in a position to give the customer desirable satisfaction that will in turn bring more profit to the company.


The process of collecting and analyzing the data has to be clear to achieve the expected business insight, customer service awards limited is saddled with the responsibility of customer data analytics training, the training brings considerable insight to customer journey mapping and overall data analytics for business insight.


After the appropriate gathering of data, there will be a need to engage a data analysis tool like tableau, Charito, mode analytics, etc. According to Nigeria mystery shoppers provider data also helps to validate service check results


Data is a big deal to every business that wants to scale beyond the conventional business level, it has big value for a big corporation and micro, small and medium enterprises, small enterprises use it to scale while big corporations use it to increase their market and wallet share in the market. At the customer service awards limited we provide training on customer data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria, data mining and management are also core parts of the training.


Data analytics also expose businesses to the value chain in their industry, customer data will expose the current needs of customers and the area business can focus on and take advantage of the value chain




Dr. Aliyu O.Ilias ,Author,(Customer Service Management,Understanding Customer Experience in Africa & CEMBundle).He writes from Abuja





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